The past couple of days have gone really well. I've been working out, tracking my food and feeling generally good.
Some highlights:
Thursday was my first day of the 100 pushup challenge thing. I went to the gym bright and early, did my walk/run intervals on the treaddy, and then headed home to do the stupid pushups. (Note to self: next time, just do them at the gym. Having a hyena in your face, who then lays down thisclosetoyou while you're trying to do pushups sucks.) I had to do 12-17-13-13-17, with a minute rest in between each set. O.M.G. That last set was rough. Seriously. Oh....and do you see how many that is? 72.
I figured I was good for the day pushup-wise.
Wrong. Two words: Death Gym.
I went to Death Gym after work, and started out doing rows with a heavy bag. Next, Frank wanted me to do 16 offset pushups off a step, followed by overhead slams with a super heavy slam ball. Repeat all that nonsense 4x.
I told Frank that I had already done a ton of pushups earlier. He said good, now you're going to do more. Ugh. 16x4= 64+72=136. 136 fucking pushups. I didn't even do that many in a single day last month during the bajillion pushups in a day challenge.
Pushups suck. (Oh, which reminds me. I'm thinking that next month I'm planking every day. Side, normal, side. Length of time to be determined. But planning ahead.)
Friday was a rest day. But it was also weigh-in day. I debated about whether or not to do it. I mean, I had just stepped on the scale on Wednesday for the new year. Was there really a point? But, well, I said Friday, right? So I weighed in, and it was at 192.4. Sheesh, talk about some serious water weight. To go from 199.1 on Wednesday to 192.4 on Friday just shows how bloated I was from all the crap.
This morning I went to the gym and did my walk/run intervals on the treaddy. The back of the knee started to feel icky on the walking parts, but I felt so strong on all the jogging parts. I went home and iced that bad boy, and then the hubbs and I took the hyena for a walk. Well, that was our plan. The hyena had a different set of plans. So there I am, on the bike path, jogging with the hyena. Just short little bursts, b/c the back of my knee started hurting on the jogging parts, but then would feel better on the walking parts.
So I broke the whole "no running outside until spring" rule. Rules are meant to be broken, right? Honestly, it is quite amazing I lasted this long without running outside. (Did you guys secretly make bets about when I'd be running outside? If so, I want to know who won!) Don't worry....I still plan on spending most of my running time indoors for now. It is better for me in the long run. (At least, that what I keep telling myself.)
In other news, I have an official goal race for next year. Well, not really next year. It will be January of 2014. Kimberly and I have decided we're running the Florida Keys Ragnar Relay. I don't care if I have to ditch everything else for 2013, I'm saving up enough money to get my bum to Florida next year. It was such an incredible experience last year that I really want to do it again.
Tomorrow I plan on swimming in the morning and then biking in the afternoon. I'll let you know how it goes.
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