
Thursday, October 25, 2012

And So It Starts

Oh boy.  Here we go.  Jump right in, or provide some intro?  I'm guessing maybe some intro would be good here.  I'm not even sure if I'm going to click that all-important share button to post this to the world, but I'm starting to think that maybe, just maybe, I really should.

Here's the dilemma.  I try to remain fairly private.  Sure, I joke that my whole life is on Facebook.  (Really, it is.)  But, well, that's mostly the stuff I want to share.  Ok, that makes almost no sense.

Many of you know that my whole weight loss/exercise nut phase started with a little ole website by the name of SparkPeople. (Hey lookie there, I figured out how to create a link on blogger without actually just typing the web address....go me!)  Anyways, I've become kind of, oh, i don't know...a thing over there.  In a good way.  I'm not good at giving myself credit for stuff, but I guess I'm moderately popular.  Maybe it has to do with the whole weightloss story.  Maybe it has to do with my honesty in my blogs.  Maybe it has to do with my I'm gonna give it my all or die trying attitude.  Or maybe it simply has to do with the fact that I'm human, and I write about the good, the bad, and the very ugly.

But, well, I have people in my real life (not my online SparkLife) who like to know what I'm up to.  Who tell me I'm an inspiration and should share stuff.  For some reason though, I find it hard to share in real life.  I kind of compartmentalized my friends....the real life group and the SparkPeeps.  Online, on SparkPeople, when I first started there, I hadn't met any of them.  I was sharing, essentially, with strangers.  So it made it easy.  I didn't KNOW these people.  But somehow, along the way, my two lives became blurred.  My real life friends know more about my SparkPeeps.  And my SparkPeeps have entered my real life, especially since I've met a bunch of them.

Now, I find myself posting about something on Facebook, blogging about it on SparkPeople, and sometimes even guest blogging for a friend of mine.  It is getting to be a tad much.  Kind of time-consuming.  Plus, in this forum, I'll be able to reach out to more people.  So, I'm going to try things out here.  If I decide I hate it, or people don't like it, or I suck at it, so be it. But, if I trust in what others have said about me, maybe my honesty about what I experience will help others realize that trying to change your lifestyle is so completely doable. for the name.  (Duh, should have explained that earlier.)  That would be my handle on Spark.  Clever, right?  Took me a while to come up with that one.  Anyways, I find it easier to write stuff and post it under that name....think of it as a pen name.


  1. Go Jennie! Congratulations on finding a new forum to explore and on which to share, vent, and pour out that love, my dear friend. Looking forward to reading more as this becomes habitual for you. You ARE an inspiration!

    Mama M

  2. Lookie there, my first comment! And you definitely hit the nail on the head.....a new forum may be just what I need. Glad you're looking forward to more!

  3. Happy blogging Jennie...I look forward to reading more and "running" into you again!
    Mike Cuccaro, Ragnar Keys 2012

  4. Hope this works! If not, I will try again!

    It worked! Great 1st blog! Can't wait for more!


  5. I'm so glad that you are doing this! You are so fun and inspirational!

  6. I can't wait to see where this goes from here. Thanks for being brave enough to share your journey with us.

  7. After meeting you 2yrs ago @ BCR, I can't believe all the laughs events talks crazy awesomeness mileage since..looking FW to your posts -k
