
Monday, May 27, 2013

I Didn't Die!

That's a good thing, right?

The hubbs and I got to the Tortoise and Hare 5k super early, and that was a good thing because parking was at a premium.  We picked up our race packets....some very nice swag.....and went back to the car to stay warm.  (It was chilly!)

We saw a couple people we knew, and Shayne, one of the chicks in BCR, made these signs.
I was so touched!  I don't think I've ever had a sign made specifically for me, and I thought it was fabulous that the sign was for both me and the hubbs!  Seriously...BCR has some awesome people.  

I also took this shot of Chris before we started.  I needed a shot of him with a race bib on.

We lined up towards the back of the pack.  Chris wanted to hang with the walkers because he didn't know how much running he'd be doing, and mentally, for me, I rather be in the back and work my way forward, then start up too far ahead and be passed by a bajillion people.  Plus, I didn't really have high hopes for myself, so starting in the back was fine for me.

I wished him good luck, and we were off!

Things were fine to start.   I was going at a comfortable pace and felt decent-ish.  Then there was a hill.  Not like a death hill, but a loooong slow incline.  (Please note.  Not only have I NOT been running much, but when I do run, it is mainly on the flat bike path.  So even what is considered a slight incline looks monstrous to me.)  I made it up the hill without walking, which was kinda a big deal for me.

We carried on, and at times I really wished I had my Garmin.  I had no clue where I was distance-wise in terms of the race.  Apparently, there were mile markers.  I missed the first one.  We came upon an aid station, and I assumed we were at the halfway-ish point.

We carried on some more.  We got to some rolling hills around mile 2, and I finally had to stop and walk some.  Once again, I wished I had my Garmin.  Not for pacing purposes, but to know how far we were from the end.  I like to kick it up a notch or two at the end.

Well....I kicked it up too early.  I started to feel good and pushed a bit.  Probably about four tenths of a mile out, I felt gassed.  I had to walk, otherwise I was going to unravel.  I was kind of mad at myself for kicking it up a little too early, but it is what it is.  I walked for a very short bit, and then carried on.

I finished in 32 minutes and change.  Although it was definitely my second slowest 5k ever, I guess I did better than I anticipated.

I went through the finish chute, grabbed a water, and walked back out onto the course.  I wanted to find Chris!  I strolled along and waited at a random intersection until I found him.

Here he is, rounding the corner!

We carried on, and I walked with him until we reached the park.

Once we got to the park, I took a shortcut so I could get him at the finish. 
 See the clock?  It says 55:08.  His goal was to come in under an hour, and not be last.  Both goals were met!

My only complaint was that the people manning the clock no longer were tracking the finishers.  When I ran through, volunteers were there with a clipboard, writing stuff down as people went by.  When Chris went through, nothing.  The website for the event clearly states that people should finish within an hour.  He did.  Why was he not offered the same respect as those that finished in a half hour?  Even though he wasn't "racing" this was still his first 5k.  How many others ran their first 5k, and finished with a PR of their own, only to not be acknowledged by the finish line staff?

I don't know....maybe I'm rambling about nothing, but to me it is kind of a big deal.  Maybe, when the results are posted, he'll be listed there with his time.  And I'll be more than happy to correct this.  

After the run, Chris wanted me to take this picture:
Two things you will probably never see again....
....a pay phone, and Chris wearing a race bib.


  1. A 32-minute 5k is not bad at all! Way to go! And congratulate Chris for me as well. I wish I could get my hubby to run with me, but I can't even get him off the couch :(

    1. I'll definitely pass on the congrats! I think part of him agreeing to do a 5k was because I finally agreed to play coed softball with him! :)

  2. You both did great! Getting out there is half the battle. Way to go!
